Steven Friedman, M.D.

Steven Friedman, M.D.

Specialty: Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery, General Orthopaedics, Orthopaedic Surgery

Dr. Friedman has nurtured a love of medicine since childhood and first informed his parents of his intention to be a doctor at age 3. A concurrent lifelong interest in music and the martial arts led him to become fascinated with the structure and function of the human body and his choice to specialize in orthopedics and upper extremity surgery was a natural fit.

Dr. Friedman joined OrthoMaryland in 1991 and has served as Chief of Hand Surgery at Sinai Hospital and Director of the Outpatient Hand Clinic at Northwest Hospital Center. He has previously served as president of OrthoMaryland and now focuses his attention on patient care.

Dr. Friedman is Board Certified in Orthopedic Surgery and holds a Certificate of Added Qualifications in Surgery of the Hand and Upper Extremity. The highlights of his orthopedic education were his experience training and serving as Chief Orthopedic Resident at the Maryland Shock Trauma Center and his Fellowship in Hand Surgery at Syracuse, New York.

His practice currently focuses on conditions affecting the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder but he continues to treat general orthopedic conditions and trauma as well. He derives a great deal of satisfaction from the practice of hand and orthopedic surgical procedures but feels that the true objective of his profession is to help his patients to feel and function better whether or not surgery is involved. “After nearly 20 years of practicing orthopedic and hand surgery, I have come to understand that getting to know my patients at a personal level allows me to be a much more effective physician. Often the most important thing I can do is to understand what my patient is going through and to help them understand the nature of their illness or injury. This mutual understanding allows us to work as a team to reach the desired objective,” explains Dr. Friedman regarding his approach to health care.

In his personal life, Dr. Friedman enjoys spending time with his family and keeping his own hands fit through playing classical guitar, cello, and bass guitar. He is a 65th generation disciple of Grandmaster Huang Chien-Liang. He began studying martial arts in 1972 and holds a rank of Shodan in Shorinjiryu Wing Chun Kung Fu. Since 2003, Dr. Friedman has studied Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Daoist Meditation and received the Tien Shan Pai Outstanding Competitor Award in 2005. He was also ranked 2nd Tuan by the World Kuoshu Federation and is a TWKSF Certified International Referee.


  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, fellow, member – publications committee
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand

Office Locations

Steven Friedman, M.D.


  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Certificate of Added Qualifications in Surgery of the Hand

Medical Degree

  • University of Maryland School of Medicine; Baltimore, MD


  • University of Maryland, Orthopaedic Surgery; Baltimore, MD


  • Washington Hospital Center and Prince Georges Hospital Center, Microvascular and Reconstructive Surgery (junior fellowship); Cheverly, MD
  • State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse, Hand Surgery; Syracuse, NY
Greenspring Surgery Center